Future Life Progression

Future Life Progression

During a Future Life Progression you are guided to relax your mind and body and get it into a theta state (just think about when driving and you suddenly find yourself at the end of your journey but you don’t remember getting there, knowing that you must have stopped at traffic lights and given way to other traffic) this is what scientists call ‘consciously slipping into a state of deep relaxation while remaining conscious.

Once you are taken into your future whether five years, ten years or a future lifetime you may experience this as a vision, a physical experience or a knowing depending on your most dominant sense. The three most dominant ones are sight, hearing or feeling (knowing) though you still experience the others just in different strengths.

But you may be thinking what if five years in the future my life hasn’t changed and I’m still in the same job, relationship or I still don’t know my life purpose?

If that is the case then we explore why things haven’t changed and what opportunities you may have missed or things you haven’t done. We then go ten years in the future, and by then especially with the knowledge you picked up at five years, you see your life changed for the better. You then bring everything you learnt back to the present and start making the changes, so that in five years time you have changed your life.

Let’s say you are looking for a new career and are offered two jobs, but don’t know which one to take, as both seem equally good.

We would take you five years into the future in the first job, and you would explore that and see how things are. We would then come back to the present and go five years into the future with the second job, and you would explore that and see how things are there.

Maybe the first job provides a really good salary but you have no home-life, and are stressed out. The second job may show you with a smaller, or similar, salary, but you are happier with a home life. Chances are you would take the second job.

But, what we would then do is take you to a third possibility in five years, the most perfect job for you. You may find you are doing something you never thought of, or the same career but with a different company, and life is much better than the first two. Would you take the second job or start looking for the third?

Once you have visited your future, experienced it, and even talked to your future self, you will have gained insight and knowledge. Bring back that wisdom and energy into the present, and start taking control of your destiny. You no longer need to worry about the future because you’ve seen it, and can create it much sooner than the future, now, in the present.

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